Explain what the policy is-Provide a brief history of the policy.-Why was it created (was it a reaction to some issue, a political move, etc.)?

Use of Body Worn Cameras

All written assignments should be typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font,
with 1″ margins all around. Citations should follow the style guidelines of the American
Psychological Association (APA). Anything that is not your original thought or words, MUST be cited to the appropriate source. To not cite others’ ideas and writing is considered PLAGIARISM and a serious violation of the academic integrity code at Rutgers.

Explain what the policy is. Provide a brief history of the policy. Why was it created (was it a reaction to some issue, a political move, etc.)?
What is it expected to accomplish (goals;objectives)?

Must use these Headings:
• History of Policy
• Goals of Policy