Identify at least an example of each of the three appeals (Ethos, Logos, and Pathos); also identify any syllogisms or enthymemes.

A Rhetorical Analysis of Joe Biden’s Inaugural Address

For the essay, you will write a 500-750 word analysis of the text and context of the speech you chose earlier this semester.

Rhetor: Who is author
Audience: Who is the audience for this speech?

Genre: What is the genre of the speech?

Invention: Identify at least an example of each of the three appeals (Ethos, Logos, and Pathos); also identify any syllogisms or enthymemes.

Style: Identify at least 3 different stylistic devices from pages 141-144

Arrangement: Identify the main organizational arrangement pattern in your speech
Context (Background research): What specific circumstances does this speech respond to? (Helps you understand the purpose/goal)

Evaluation: Factoring all the elements above, what makes the rhetoric significant, relevant, and/or effective?
You should include at least 2 credible sources of research AND cite to your transcript. You may not cite to or include someone else’s analysis of the speech. You have to generate your own original analysis.