How many participants do you think you will recruit for the study? (sample size) How will you recruit the participants?

Data Collection

Goals of this assignment

Choose a data collection method that best fits the research question, purpose of the research, and research design method selected
Outline a study’s methodology through the principles of data collection


You have already selected a specific research design (SEE ATTACHMENTS) for your chosen research question in the previous assignment. In this assignment, you will select the data collection method that will be employed in order to collect data that will address the research question with which you will be working for this course’s project.


In addition to choosing the data collection method, you will also provide a description of the sample you will employ in the study. Include the instrument you will actually use in order to gather data based on the data collection method of your choice (e.g. in a survey, include the actual survey with the questions in the order they would be presented, type of response requested, skip patterns, etc.).

Parts of the Assignment

Introduction presenting the research question and problem statement as well as a brief introduction to the context (approximately 200-275 words)
A rationale for choosing the data collection method based on which research design you have chosen for your study (approximately 275-325 words)
Describe the sample you will apply this method to, as well as the sampling technique.
Comment on (approximately 350-400 words):
Who (or what) is included in your sample?
How many participants do you think you will recruit for the study? (sample size)
How will you recruit the participants?
Which kind of sample is to be employed in this study (It's a convenience sample).
Why? (i.e. make a connection between the research design, data collection and the sample)