Identify implications for federalism related to the topic.

Include a thesis statement (Links to an external site.) that identifies how the concepts of federalism, civil liberties, and civil rights are implicated and affected by your selected topic.
Main Point 1: Identify implications for federalism related to the topic.
Provide a topic sentence that describes one positive impact of federalism on the selected topic.
Provide a topic sentence that describes one negative impact of federalism on the selected topic.
Provide at least one piece of supporting evidence (a quote or paraphrase) that supports all of your claims concerning the impacts of federalism on the selected topic. Be sure to provide an in-text citation. (Links to an external site.)
In a single sentence, explain the meaning of the evidence you added above.
So what? Add a sentence that tells your reader how this evidence supports your topic sentence. Why is this evidence important to share?
Main Point 2: Identify implications for civil rights related to the topic.
Provide a topic sentence that describes one positive impact on the civil rights associated with the selected topic.
Provide a topic sentence that describes one negative impact on the civil rights associated with the selected topic.
Provide at least one piece of supporting evidence (a quote or paraphrase) that supports all of your claims concerning the impacts on the civil rights associated with the selected topic. Be sure to provide an in-text citation. (Links to an external site.)
In a single sentence, explain the meaning of the evidence you added above.
So what? Add a sentence that tells your reader how this evidence supports your topic sentence. Why is this evidence important to share?
Main Point 3: Identify implications for civil liberties related to the topic.
Provide a topic sentence that describes one positive impact on the civil liberties associated with the selected topic.
Provide a topic sentence that describes one negative impact on the civil liberties associated with the selected topic.
Provide at least one piece of supporting evidence (a quote or paraphrase) that supports all of your claims concerning the impacts on the civil liberties associated with the selected topic. Be sure to provide an in-text citation. (Links to an external site.)
In a single sentence, explain the meaning of the evidence you added above.
So what? Add a sentence that tells your reader how this evidence supports your topic sentence. Why is this evidence important to share?
In a sentence or two, conclude (Links to an external site.) by reviewing your main points and overall thesis.
References Page
Include a complete list of references (Links to an external site.) utilized within the outline in APA format.
The paper must be at least three pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style. You must use at least three scholarly sources, not counting your textbook, from the Ashford University Library to support your claims.
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