Do you think WSU was right in closing the campus and offering remote classes only?

Would Government Intervention be Helpful in a Classic Market Failure Faced by Colleges as a result of the Pandemic ?

Professor (Business Ethics Assignment): “ have curated the article below with challenging/stimulating questions or situations you could answer in the form of a slide deck not to exceed 6-8 pages. This will simulate you giving a snap presentation to your Board of Directors. Say you have 10 mins to present, so you need to make it short and impactful; 6-8 slides should be sufficient for you to get your point across. BE SURE to include supporting market data for your position.

See Article Below – Colleges Are Fueling the Pandemic in a Classic Market Failure: colleges face an existential crisis without the revenue from students on campus (room and board fees, event fees, tuition in some cases).

Two economists argue that Government intervention would be helpful. What do you think about this in general?

And, specifically, do you think WSU was right in closing the campus and offering remote classes only?;!!MLMg-p0Z!XdwiLXUBspOLNxSJC46MIZR-SWH1YpjnEGmZuNwFnl5UN-qPFpGJUQ8nPSwyy0c$