What can society do to save itself from those who seek to do it harm? Incarceration is too often described as either punishment or path to rehabilitation.

Euthanasia and Punishment

A:“Euthanasia is a last resort for those who have been abandoned by the medical community to endless pain or debilitating mindlessness. If the medical community truly cared, there would be much better pain protocols so that no one would have to resort to either mind numbing chemicals or ending their life. ‘Physician assisted suicide’ is a cowardly excuse for an uncaring profession.”


B:“What can society do to save itself from those who seek to do it harm? Incarceration is too often described as either punishment or path to rehabilitation. What it needs to be is a form of protection from those who reject the requirements of social interaction in favor of their own aggrandizement. The true answer lies in creating a ‘Coventry’ where asocial individuals can be sent to live away from those they seek to harm.”