Describe why their articles meet the requirements for primary research and comment on their assessment of its potential to inform evidence-based practice.

Discussion response 2

Describe why their articles meet the requirements for primary research and comment on their assessment of its potential to inform evidence-based practice. Did they miss anything? If the chosen peer article is not a primary research article, clarify the difference in primary research and the selected article. PRIMARY research studies are those studies that are written by the actual people who conducted the study being shared, not a study that they read about and are commenting on.

Chose to analyze the Background section of the article since it informs my question.
PICO(T) question was: What is the role of effective communication between the nurses and patients?

Patients with chronic conditions and other complications such as Covid-19 need specialized care that is mainly depicted through effective communication between them and the caregivers.

Through effective engagements, patients will feel the hope of healing and get the pain relieved (Ataguba & Ataguba, 2020). Effective communication informs the social determinants of health, such as crisis and risk communication, in reducing disease burden. Therefore, this article is a significant primary source because it fully covers my research topic.

Additionally, effective communication between the nurses and patients helps in monitoring the conditions of the patient. Any slight deterioration in their health is easily noticed, given that Covid-19 attacks critical body organs.

Proper medical and drug administration is achieved through a structured communication system. In most cases, Covid-19 patients are isolated from other patients; thus, duplication of drugs may occur if communication systems are not attained, leading to medical errors.

Believe that patients have a right to choose their treatment plans; however, this right was limited during the strike of the Covid-9 pandemic. Therefore, patients should be informed through effective communication channels about their medical conditions and provided with various options for these plans.

The nurse’s role is to advocate for the best interest of the patient, and their right to autonomy and self-determination should be respected (Gerber, 2018). The patient’s social support system that includes the family and appropriate individuals should determine the patient’s fate if they are mentally incapacitated to make rational decisions.
The chosen article qualifies as a primary source based on the discussed items.