What are the industries these companies belong to?-What is the technology they will be deploying (type of software, robots, automation, etc.)


Discuss the future impact that automation and technology will have on
business and the workforce in the next decade, i.e. disruption

Ideas to address:

1. Background on Current State of Automation/Trends

2. List several major companies that are heavily investing in technology to
automate and ultimately replace human workers

∙ Think about this as you classify these companies: are they all in the
high-tech industry?

∙ What are the industries these companies belong to?

3. What is the technology they will be deploying (type of software, robots,
automation, etc.)

4. Investment

∙ Cost of such technology


5. Timeline/Rollout plan of technology

6. Job sectors

∙ Sectors impacted the most

∙ How many displaced workers

∙ Unemployment forecast/ labor market data
∙ What will these displaced workers do?