Provide a concise but thorough analysis explaining the impact of each president’s policy in the region or at home.

Ronald Regan, George Bush, Barack Obama and the Middle East

Three U.S. presidents Regan, Bush (41), Obama who have had a substantial impact on U.S. Foreign Policy toward the Middle East and provide a concise but thorough analysis explaining the impact of each president’s policy in the region or at home.

Most presidents at some point had dealings with the Middle East region, but in truth, the US did not engage serious foreign policy issues in the Middle East until after WWII when they took over the hegemonic role of the British.

You will find more Middle East related material on presidents of this period than on those which came before, and the geopolitical environment of USFP after America became a hegemon in the Middle East region presented post-WWII presidents with significantly higher cost-benefit calculations than earlier presidents faced when Britain was the regional hegemon doing the heavy lifting.

Be sure to include both positive and negative consequences of each president’s policies if not simple tradeoffs, whether moral or strategic in nature.

Also pay attention to the full range of presidential actions in the region, since many presidents do not have policies as much as actions they take, and some if not many of these have had positive or negative consequences either for Americans, Middle Easterners, or both, however short term some of these may seem.

Be careful when dealing with more recent presidents whose policy legacy we may not have had time enough to consider.