What are the elements of a hostile work environment harassment claim?Can John potentially satisfy the elements of a hostile work environment harassment claim?

What are the elements of a hostile work environment harassment claim?
Can John potentially satisfy the elements of a hostile work environment harassment claim?
Does his employer have any defense for the supervisor’s conduct?

Identify whether John can make a prima facie case of a hostile work environment by identifying the elements required to bring a cause of action for discrimination.

Explain how the complaint process begins with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and proceeds with a right-to-sue letter through the civil litigation process from the state level up to the U. S. Supreme Court.

Include a discussion on Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other relevant aspects addressing discrimination complaints and disputes in the workplace.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines, including using headings to appropriately signal topics to keep your document organized.

Use a minimum of three different in-text citation sources within your paper, and properly identify them in your References page. Any laws and legal cases used in the body of your paper must also be included in the References page.


EEOC website
U.S. Court System website
EEOC Complaint Process Grading Guide
EEO 101: The Basic Theories of Employment Discrimination
Center for Writing Excellence
Reference and Citation Generator
Grammar and Writing Guides
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