What modifications, if any, are needed to be made to the current business model?

Franchise Model

This is a fictional situation, which is students will research, develop and competently present a comprehensive marketing plan for their specific Canadian product or service to enter a specific offshore market.

We decided to pick Tim Hortons, a Canadian multinational fast food restaurant chain to be marketed in Finland.

The purpose of International Marketing plan is to prepare your business to enter the international market place via franchising.

The information that you would provide in this section should apply to your product specifically and enable you to develop a business model.

You do not need to explain/define any terms mentioned in this section. Your objective is to determine appropriate and detailed marketing mix and expenditure for your business.

Franchise Model

· best structure for the franchise
single units/ multi-units
regional franchises
· growth strategy- Local, Regional, Countrywide, or International?
Pilot Location
· What should a typical franchised location look like?
· What is the best equipment?
· What are the best practices that should be followed?
· What modifications, if any, are needed to be made to the current business model?
· Are our assumptions correct?
Operations and Procedures Manual
· What’s the best way to convey how to open and operate the business?
· What do franchisees have to do to open a location?
· What do franchisees have to do to market their services or sell their products?
· What do franchisees have to do to run the business day in and day out?
· How do franchisees communicate with the parent company and the staff?
· How and when do franchisees pay royalties?