What happens to the water after it is used in these processes, and why is this problematic for the environment and for the citizens that rely on the same water sources?


CHOOSE THREE write minimum 600 words short essay for each of your three questions. You may use case studies from class readings or do your own research (provide url citations). Opinions welcome. Try to think through the issue from all angles; identify the problems and solutions.

1. Since the beginning of the human species, we have produced both biodegradable and non- biodegradable waste.

However, when humans lived in small groups and moved often, the buildup of waste and effects on the environment were negligible. Discuss the issue of scale in our history of waste and give some examples.

How did larger populations encounter problems with the same types of basic wastes (address these three: sanitation, fire/carbon, food production waste) that their ancestors produced?

2. One of the costs (wastes) often not considered in manufacturing is the enormous use of fresh water. Give some examples of commodities (agricultural and/or manufactured) that use a lot of fresh water.

What happens to the water after it is used in these processes, and why is this problematic for the environment and for the citizens that rely on the same water sources?

3. As consumers, we can participate in post-consumer recycling and waste reduction programs such as composting, but the majority of waste and pollution is coming from the manufacturing sector (acquiring resources, making products, transportation).

As citizens, what are some of the ways that we can affect the polluting behavior of the manufacturing sector corporations? What are some examples of successful citizen action in cleaning up existing pollution and in preventing further waste and pollution?

4. Since the 1940s, the entertainment media has had a huge part in spreading awareness about issues of waste, pollution, and the ecocide and climate change that result.

Discuss some examples of the entertainment media (Hollywood, celebrities, TV, internet) informing the public about these issues.

Why do you think the entertainment media has taken on this role in society, even as news organizations tend to neglect the issue unless it’s a headline-making disaster event?