Provide one paragraph on your opinion on learning from robots, and how than can impact you and others. Why? How?

Write at lease one paragraph for each of the 3 questions. Notice that question number 1 requires more answers than the two others. Links are attached with each question.

1.Classroom Robots (video included): (Links to an external site.)
Scroll through the various models and video clips of robots ready to be deployed in classrooms of the future. Choose one you find noteworthy and write about what impact – positive or negative – it might have on students (specifically) and on education (generally). Would you be comfortable learning with/from a robot? add your thoughts on the effects of covid-caused distance (online) learning on students.

2. Read the article The Tech that will invade our lives in 2022 and comment on one or two things you found noteworthy (see also pdf in readings module)
(Links to an external site.)
The Tech that will invade our Lives in 2022
(Links to an external site.)

3- Provide one paragraph on your opinion on learning from robots, and how than can impact you and others. Why? How?