Identify the type of moral reasoning used in the code (deontology, teleology, virtue); justify your statement


Read (Codes of Ethics) and identify the moral reasoning, ethics, and values. Compare the aspects of the code of ethics with your personal moral reasoning, ethics, and values from Module 1.

You should be considering the publicly stated ethical guidelines of an organization and looking for theoretical ethical underpinnings (virtue/deontology/consequentialism), can/shall/must aspects, values expressed, etc.

You are not required to analyze the entire length of the code, but your analysis should reflect an in-depth look at sections of the code to be able to include the following in your response.

10 items or statements from the code of ethics (copy these in, provide a citation)

Identify the type of moral reasoning used in the code (deontology, teleology, virtue); justify your statement

Identify the values stated or implied

Identify the duties and obligations and to whom they are directed

Comment on the consistency or inconsistency of the values with obligations and duties

Is the focus on the practitioner, the client, or the public? What does this reveal about the moral reasoning used?