What would you teach the protagonist if you were one of the guides in the amusement park?


The protagonist in Life’s Golden Ticket transforms throughout this novel as a result of the characters he meets at Bowman’s Park. Although not all of the characters are necessarily likable, each teaches him a valuable lesson that aids in his growth.

We all have learned valuable lessons that we can pass along to others. What would you teach the protagonist if you were one of the guides in the amusement park?

For this assignment, you will begin by brainstorming about important lessons the protagonist still needs to learn even after he leaves Bowman’s Park and why he needs these lessons.

Then, you will write a scholarly essay in which you choose one lesson from your brainstorming session (a lesson that is NOT taught in the novel) and explain why you feel the protagonist needs to learn this lesson.

You will continue on to describe how you would teach this lesson to the main character (through some type of amusement park attraction) and analyze how your attraction, and the lesson learned, can enable the main character to grow.

As you prepare to write this essay, think about our class discussions and the notes you have taken on this novel. Remember that life-changing lessons don’t necessarily have to come from momentous events.

Think about your golden ticket discussion board postings, your first essay, and the various people/events that have shaped your life in some manner? How can you shape the protagonist’s life?

Your thesis for this paper might read something like this: “is an important lesson that the protagonist needs to learn, and will teach him this lesson through my attraction .”