How is pain influenced by different psychological, social, and/or neurobiological processes? Finish with how this understanding of pain might be used to treat people who have chronic pain problems.

Final exam essay questions

No double space and answer 8-16 thoroughly.

Motion perception: Explain biological motion. Why is it important for video games and computer-generated graphic images? Give some examples of movies or games that include biological motion. (This is sometimes called “motion capture” in the movie industry.) If you had to make a movie or video game, who or what kind of biological motion would you want to incorporate into your work? Why would it be useful?
9. Visual attention: Begin by describing selective attention. Why is it important? Use an example from everyday life to illustrate why selective attention is important. How do researchers study this form of attention? Can perception happen without selective attention? Finish with a statement about how these attention research findings can be helpful for safe and effective everyday living.

10. Auditory system  the ear: Imagine that you are a wave of air pressure entering the ear.What sequence of events will occur in the ear to convert this pressure wave change into a sound sensation? What is the function of each part? The answer should include how different sound frequencies – low vs. high frequencies – are encoded. Conclude with how this understanding is helpful for aiding people who have hearing loss.
11. Auditory system – brain and localization: While you are stopped at a stoplight,
you hear an emergency vehicle approach from the left, then it passes in front of you, then it continues away from you on your right. Based on sound changes, how did you know that the emergency vehicle was approaching on your left and travelling to your right side? The answer must include monaural cues, binaural cues, and at least one neurobiological mechanism.

12. Speech perception: Describe the speech disorders of either aphasia or dyslexia (just one;not both). What is this condition like? What are some possible explanations for why this deficit occurs, including a neurobiological explanation. Does this understanding suggest possible ideas for treatment?

13. Music perception: Summarize the key ideas from one of the TED videos about music and brain mechanisms for perceiving music (either Dr. Zatorre or Alan Harvey). How has this knowledge influenced your appreciation of music?

14. Skin and Pain: Why is understanding pain perception important? Describe the different forms of pain perception. How is pain influenced by different psychological, social, and/or neurobiological processes? Finish with how this understanding of pain might be used to treat people who have chronic pain problems.

15. Taste and Smell: Describe the major features of either taste or smell (not both). These answers should include the importance, neurobiology, and one major perceptual phenomenon that is provided by this sense. Given this answer what should be done to help improve either taste or smell in the foods that older adults eat?
16. Reflection question: Of all the topics covered this semester, which topic do you think was the most important or interesting? For example, perhaps there was a topic that really changed your views on people or psychology in general. You must explain the topic in some detail to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding. The essay must also make a case for why this topic is particularly important or meaningful to you.