What are the limits of sovereignty and the international legal principle of nonintervention? 

Contemporary CR and the ethics

We discussed contemporary CR and the ethics of intervention in the class. In line with what you’ve learned through the readings and the lecture,chose one of the cases  (or find another relevant one), conduct research on ethics of intervention regarding the case, and answer one of the questions below to create your initial post.

Cases: Ukraine, Rwanda, Kosovo, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Venezuela

1. What are the limits of sovereignty and the international legal principle of nonintervention?

2. To what extent is humanitarian intervention now a legitimate practice in international society?

3. How can just and unjust interventions be distinguished?

4. What kinds and degrees of threats to a population justify an international response?

5. Must interventions be authorized by an international body, such as the UN Security Council?

6. When might unauthorized or unilateral interventions be appropriate?

7. Do states have to be democratic and respect human rights in order to earn the right against intervention?