Why it is important; your role and level of authority to initiate or implement the program change (did you need to obtain permission from a supervisor? How did that go?)

Action Learning Project Proposal – Implementing a Financial Literacy Program for High Schoolers in Newark NJ

Your draft should contain the following Make sure you read carefully and don’t leave any elements out of your story.

1. Provide a brief description of the Problem, Project, or Challenge

2. Why it is important; your role and level of authority to initiate or implement the program change (did you need to obtain permission from a supervisor? How did that go?)

3. Background and Context (a brief description of the organization and work group)

4. Your Change Action Plan and why (include both a DVF>R analysis as well as a force-field analysis)

5. Description of Implementation – what have you done so far?

6. Outcome – What has happened? Were you able to accomplish what you hoped? Why or why not?