Why does it appear that the police respond differently in domestic abuse situations? 

Define “crisis.”

Joe owned a small bar in San Francisco. A robber came into the bar. The robber demanded that Joe open the cash register and hand him the cash. At the time, the robber had his hands in his coat pocket as if he was holding a gun.

Instead of following the demands of the robber, Joe pulled a small pistol from under the counter and shot at the robber. He missed.

The robber then killed Joe. The robber had previously robbed at least five other bars with no injuries involved. Would Wolfgang consider this homicide a victim participated homicide? Justify your answer.


The researcher Brownmiller asserts that rape is

What are the most common reasons that people do not report violent crimes?

What are the characteristics of acute stress disorder?

You are the evening manager of a local fast food restaurant. One of the female employees complains about a nude picture of a sexual nature that is posted in the employees’ break room. What action should you take?

What is the role of power in intimate partner abuse cases?


These questions below are worth slightly more points so they may require a slightly longer explanation.

What role has the feminist movement played in the victims’ movement?

How did the victims’ rights movement begin?

What were Wolfgang’s key findings in his study of homicides?

Why does it appear that the police respond differently in domestic abuse situations?

According to our course information how is stalking defined? What are the factors involved that would meet this definition?

What are the key points in the opportunity model of victimization?

Explain Mendelsohn’s theory of victimization.

Explain the roles, motives, and beliefs of a power rapist.