What is your opinion about president’s tariffs on Chinese imports? Justify your answer

Directions: In 2-3 paragraphs, please answer the following questions in a comprehensive and detailed manner using your own words, without being verbose (in other words, no fluff). Specifics are important but so are sentence structures and grammar. Finally, give make sure you provide citations to each answer.

Research President Biden’s recent tariffs Plan on imports from China. What is your opinion about president’s tariffs on Chinese imports? Justify your answer, you might refer to the historical examples in the past.

Reference your discussion.
Under the new administration, what is the current state of affairs with the U.S., Canada and Mexico North American Free Trade Area Agreement? What are the currently agreements and obstacles.

Reference your discussion.
With Europe’s 2021 ‘Green Economy’ and President Biden’s commitment to ‘Climate Change Initiatives’, what sorts of tariffs and quotas do you anticipate in your research to protect their respective home country initiatives while stimulating Green Economy/Climate Change Initiatives for good of the planet.Reference your discussions.