What do you think you can/should do to better express your own desires and needs to your actual (or potential) romantic partner(s)?

Based upon the videos you watched, the module reading, your personal experience, and your own love language:

1. What do you think you can/should do to better express your own desires and needs to your actual (or potential) romantic partner(s)?

2. What do you think you can/should do to better address the desires and meet the needs of (a) romantic partner(s) with different love languages than yours.

Note in order to score the highest possible points, your initial assignment response must contain:
A clear introduction, topic, main points, and supporting material from the reading AND the videos.

Love language is: words of affirmation, physical touch

Need a writer who has access to this book: Wood, J.T. (2020). Interpersonal communication: Everyday encounters (9th Ed.). Cengage International. Chapter 11