What will be your biggest challenge in forming trusting relationships with clients who are culturally different from you?

Discussion Board 3

Reflect on your own family of origin. What are some of the perspectives on family, culture, and gender that were contained in your upbringing? How many kinds of families and cultural perspectives have you been exposed to in your lifetime? What experiences, if any, did your family of origin have of discrimination or oppression based on cultural differences? (Chapter 11)

2. As part of your job, you are expected to lead a group consisting of involuntary members. How will this fact affect your approach? What might you do differently with this group compared with a group of voluntary members? (Chapter 12)

3. Suppose you were applying for a job in a community mental health center. How would you respond to the following questions during the interview?

Many of our clients represent a range of diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds. To what degree do you think you will be able to work with them?

How much do you understand about your own acculturation process? How will this help or hinder you in working with our clientele?

What will be your biggest challenge in forming trusting relationships with clients who are culturally different from you?