What are the problems you have discovered-What potentials exist to address those problems?

Baseline analysis and Proposals Report (OA level for the Parish of Wilmslow)

Introduction (300 words)

Set out what it is that you are focusing on in your baseline report, what datasets are you analysing and why? The introduction should also set out the scope of what you are doing so the reader knows what to expect.

Basic facts and figures (300 words)

You need to start with a simple map of Wilmslow to show where it is in relation to the wider region.

What is the population, summary of the people, place, environment etc. to set the context within which your analysis sits? Can you produce any infographics? Is it appropriate to provide some summary statistics using Excel, such as bar charts, scatter plots to visualize your data? Are there any correlations in your data?

Baseline maps (400 words)

Map out some of the basic spatial information for your chosen topic, make sure the maps are legible, i.e. can they be read easily? Maps should not be any less than ½ page of an A4 sheet, any smaller and they cannot be read or interpreted by the reader.

Course Unit: PLAN10092 Applied Projects Level: 1
Module Convenor:
20 Credits
Baseline Analysis Brief

GIS analysis (400 words)

Building on from the previous section, can you identify any spatial patterns in your data? Are there
any relationship(s) when you overlay different types of data?

Conclusions (300 words)

What are the key issues that you have identified? Summarise the key findings. What are the problems you have discovered? What potentials exist to address those problems?

Next steps (200 words)

What ideas do you have for the second part of your assignment? Has the baseline analysis identified anything interesting to study further?

In all cases, the text is there to supplement and support the visual analysis. Have you used photographs and other information to support your analysis where appropriate?
Remember to set the DPI to 600 when exporting your maps from ArcGIS PRO to insert in to your report