What is the purpose of hate/bias crime data collection-What is the scope of hate crime nationally-What did a task force of the Crime Victims Center find in regards to the underreporting of crime by victims of hate crimes?

The hate/bias crime problem. Define the term “hate crime”. What is the purpose of hate/bias crime data collection? What is the scope of hate crime nationally? What did a task force of the Crime Victims Center find in regards to the underreporting of crime by victims of hate crimes? (34 points)

2. Anti-Arab/Muslim Victimization. Discuss the Arab and Muslim population in the United States as well as the misidentification. What are a few features of Islamophobia? What can law enforcement do to dispel mistrust by Muslims? (33 points)

3. Law enforcement response strategies. What can law enforcement do to instill public confidence and trust for effective response to hate/bias crimes? Explain the 5 strategies discussed in Chapter 14. (33 points)