Explain how your chosen techniques can be a part of the prevention, detection, and control of infectious and chronic conditions.

Reflection 4: Complementary and Alternative Strategies and Experience here

Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is defined as a group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and products that are not generally considered part of conventional medicine. According to a survey by the National Institutes of Health, almost 40% of adults in the U.S. utilize some form of CAM. When prayer specifically for health is included as a CAM technique, the U.S. number rises to roughly 62%. Of note, the World Health Organization estimates 80% of the population in many developing countries rely on alternative medicine.

Chiropractic medicine
Relaxation techniques (deep breathing, massage, progressive relaxation, tai chi, hot yoga)
Meditation (transcendental meditation, mantras, Bible passage, positive thought)

Post an original reflection that describes your experience with each technique you attempted. Demonstrate some critical thinking surrounding which technique you feel would most likely use the future, if any.

Explain how your chosen techniques can be a part of the prevention, detection, and control of infectious and chronic conditions. Provide substantial depth and detailed analysis regarding your experiences.

As an integral part of this assignment, you are also to find at least two credible, academic sources that support the effectiveness of the complementary and alternative techniques you experienced.