Explain the “how?” and “why?” of Renaissance innovations; and, finally, to explain why there were cultural differences between Southern and Northern Europe during the Renaissance.

Western Civilization – Essay 2

Consider the historic “ingredients” of the Renaissance and explain how and why they led to innovations associated with the Renaissance as well as some sharp differences between Southern and Northern Europe.

The Renaissance did not just appear from nowhere. While it does represent a new and distinct period in history, it is in many ways a culmination of what came before. The word “renaissance” means rebirth, and the period known as the Renaissance was a rebirth of Greco-Roman ideas.

However, the ideas and culture of the Middle Ages, especially the Late Middle Ages, also contributed significantly to the Renaissance.

The task is: to identify and explain the historic ingredients that led to the Renaissance; to explain the “how?” and “why?” of Renaissance innovations; and, finally, to explain why there were cultural differences between Southern and Northern Europe during the Renaissance.

Given the length of this paper, you must be very clear and concise – do not go off on tangents. Focus on concepts and illustrate them with specific examples. Most importantly, the paper must reveal your thinking – do not simply repeat what happened in history.