How can the objectives set forth in Healthy People (2020) achieve the vision of an integrated health care system.

American Health Care System

1. The Affordable Care Act (ACA 2010) has placed considerable progress and emphasis upon prevention and wellness. As a result of ACA, progress has been made in the establishment of health policies, processes, and programs.

Describe in detail three (3) aspects of the aforementioned. Include within your comprehensive response efforts the federal government has taken to support a healthier US population.

2. How can the objectives set forth in Healthy People (2020) achieve the vision of an integrated health care system.

Consider our discussion and text readings emphasizing globalization of health services by identifying and discussing four (4) significant economic activities supporting the globalization efforts

3. Define in detail the shift from physician-centric care toward a team-based approach. Include in your detailed response three (3) outcome opportunities expected if this shift is effectively implemented.

4. In support of a well-coordinated health care system, provide a comprehensive explanation of a clinical information system, administrative information system, and decision support systems in health care delivery.

Include in your response how the Regional Health Information Organization (RHIO) can best benefit these efforts.

5. a. Within our present healthcare system, which programs (Title) comprises the health status and medical services for older Americans, in addition to the two (2) other qualifying categories for this entitlement. Further develop your response by including the following:

• How are these programs financed? Consider financing and cost-sharing aspects.

• Identify both the differences and services that comprise each program. Include in your answer a description of covered and exclusionary services for each.

6. Compare the Canadian Health Care System to that of the American Health Care System. In support of your comparative response, your discussion shall be defined upon the following key concepts: Financing, Insurance, Delivery, Payment, (including concepts of managed care).