How behavioral science class affect student’s academics?
Methodology section (25%): This part has five main topics to be included:
Participants- How many participants were involved in your research? What are their relevant characteristics (age, gender, race, etc.)? How were they recruited?
Design- Explain the design of the experiment and why that is the best design for your study. (e.g., correlational non-experimental design, between-subjects, within-subjects, or mixed experimental design).
Materials/Instruments – Surveys. Describe the nature of the survey and the types of questions being asked:
How many questions total
Type of questions (e.g., demographic, attitudes about a topic; agreement with statements; behavioral questions). Be specific enough for the reader.
Response scale used in each question type.
Tests – Describe specific tests if any are used with an external link within your survey questions.
Procedure – Provide a clear description of the steps of the study in chronological order, thoroughly detailing all procedures that were followed in the study.
Results (20%): In this section you are presenting the results of your data, but not the analysis of it. Include the following:
How did you analyze your data? Specifically, what statistical tests did you run?
What are your results? Remember to use APA style sentences to write them.
Are your results significant or not?
Provide some frequency tables and/or Jamovi output graphs in order to depict your findings.
Discussion (20%):In this section you are reflecting on what the results of your research mean. Include the following:
Describe what it would means if you obtained significant (or not significant) results.
Discuss any limitations in your study (e.g., possible confounding, lack of random assignment or random sampling, etc.)
Conclude with a discussion of future studies that could arise from your study.