Describe the existing and/or proposed policies or resources and/or legislation that impacts this social justice trend/movement at the local, state and federal levels

Topic: Covid vaccine inequity

1. For this assignment, student will complete a 5–7-page

a. Define social justice

b. Identify and describe a current social justice trend or movement (e.g., Black Lives Matter, the Women’s March, Me-Too, Pro-Life, etc.)

c. Analyze the trend/movement using one social justice theory that you most identify with. Use the roundtable videos in Weeks 4 and 6 as a guide to applying social justice theory

d. Discuss the implications this trend has on public health and/or the health care system in the United States

e. Describe the existing and/or proposed policies or resources and/or legislation that impacts this social justice trend/movement at the local, state and federal levels

f. Explain how Nurse Practitioners can have an impact on this trend/movement

Additional Information from the Instructor:

15/15- Intro & identification of SJ trend- Nice intro leading into your movement, with a social justice definition and purpose of paper added in the introduction

20/20- Analysis of SJ trend using SJ theory- well written application of ONE SJ theory to your movement (no need to talk about theory in other sections of paper)

20/20- Discuss implications for public health or HC system- discussed how your movement impacted health and the HC system

20/20- Evaluate existing policies/legislation & implications for FNP practice- listed several local, State, or Federal changes or proposed changes in policies or legislation or resources that resulted based upon your movement.

Described implications for FNP practice (PLEASE add a separate header for FNP implications)

15/15- Conclusion- well written summary of paper with no introduction of any new material