Briefly describe your proposed operational change and why it is important to the competitive strength of your organization.

Creating a Compelling Change Vision

Review your Project Proposal Concept and the feedback you received from your instructor and respond to the following:

Briefly describe your proposed operational change and why it is important to the competitive strength of your organization.

Using the Expanded Vision Matrix tool from this week’s lecture notes, draft your vision statement for this initiative.

How do you predict stakeholders will react to this change vision?

Include examples from this week’s materials, as well as your own experiences, to support your responses.

Feedback to Learner

The purpose of assignment  1 is to discuss the project and determine whether the scope and focus are appropriate. You did an excellent job developing your assignment 1.

Checklist – You addressed 4 of the 5 items on the checklist that were filled out. Missing what the project addresses. Continue to build on your specific stakeholders. Having targeted individuals can help you use them to create a sense of urgency.

Problem / Opportunity Statement and Benefit to the Organization

You have a good start to your project proposal concept. You highlighted the changes needed at Kaiser. Continue to build on the specific problem that you are looking to address. You noted balance with expansion and nurse ratio, what specifically are you looking to address. Are you focused on training or increasing staff?

Project Description and Operational Area(s) for Improvement

Great insight into the drivers for change. Improving the quality of services is a great change. Expand on what is missing today.

Required Resources and Timeframe

Required resources and timeframe are thoroughly identified.

Remember to post your assignment and key feedback in the team forum for Week 5. Over the next few weeks, you will work with your team to help refine your proposal and business case. Let me know if you have any questions.