Explain your writing purpose and how this purpose relates to your selected audience.

STEP ONE: Rhetorical Analysis

At the beginning of each iWrite, you will write a brief rhetorical analysis of the rhetorical situation you have selected or created by responding to each prompt below using complete sentences.

Describe your audience, including details about the audience that include the characteristics below: describing your audience in specific terms helps you make decisions as a writer that will help you connect to your audience authentically and honestly.

Rather than saying your writing is for everybody, carefully analyze who would most benefit from the message you are writing in your iWrite. Audience traits to consider include:
educational level;

values/life experiences;

Explain why you selected this audience.
Explain your writing purpose and how this purpose relates to your selected audience. Are you writing to be expressive (to tell a story); informative (to teach or to inform);
persuasive (to urge audience to take a specific stand or act in a specific way).

Describe at least three ‘writing choices’ you made based on your selected audience and purpose. Consider
sentence variety and word choice
level of information;
style; and
type of examples or explanations;

STEP TWO: Compose your Write

Immediately following the rhetorical analysis, skip 2-3 lines and compose your iWrite. Submit both parts of the iWrite on one document in the assignment portal by the due date for that specific iWrite.