How does Hunter react when confronted by the harm of his actions and how does he justify his actions?

Abuse online: Trolling, bullying and revenge porn, explain this aspect of the topic, drawing on academic theories/literature.

This is why we can’t have nice things: mapping the relationship between online trolling and mainstream culture’ by Phillips. What are the key features of ‘lulz fetishism’? What role is played by emotion ? What is ‘emotional firewalling’?

The view this transcript of a Podcast:

This s from Darknet Diaries about revenge porn, answer the following questions:

The podcast opens by setting up the ‘problem’ it is going to explore. What is the problem, according to the presenter? Do you agree with the presenter’s description of the problem? What do you think the ‘problem’ is?

How does Hunter react when confronted by the harm of his actions and how does he justify his actions?

To what extent is hunter a good illustration of Phillips’ conceptualisation of the trolling subculture? In supporting your answer, consider the role of emotions, exploitation, attachment, and the way trolls frame their actions in ‘pedagogical’ terms.