Who do you think is the main character’s authentic persona, Freddie Drummond or Bill Totts? Why-Explain and support your answer with details from the story.

Literature and Society
Journal 3

Read “South of the Slot” by Jack London (Moodle: PDF available under “Readings & Course Materials”).

You can also access the story via this link: https://www.saturdayeveningpost.com/2017/04/south-slot-jack-london/

2.Write an approximately 400-word journal response to the following:

First, who do you think is the main character’s authentic persona, Freddie Drummond or Bill Totts? Why? Explain and support your answer with details from the story.

Then, what is something you found interesting, intriguing, and/or something you learned from the reading? OR What is one theme or main point you took away from the story? OR In what way did you connect with the story or main character or one of the themes?