Explore the meaning of Freud’s notion of the death drive-Does it help explain anything about photographic and/or art practices?


Essay Question:

Explore the meaning of Freud’s notion of the death drive. Does it help explain anything about photographic and/or art practices?


TEXT 1 Aries Ph., (1976), Western Attitudes toward Death, London: Marion Boyars, (conclusion only) See:

TEXT 2 Noys B., (2005), The Culture of Death, London: Berg (Introduction only)

TEXT 3 Freud S., (1991), ‘Beyond the Pleasure Principle’ IN: On Metapsychology Vol.11 The Penguin Freud Library, London: Penguin See:

TEXT 4 Iversen, M.(2007) Robert Smithson’s Spiral Jetty IN: Beyond pleasure : Freud, Lacan, Barthes. University Park, Pa. : Pennsylvania State University Press. pp. 73-89, See:

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