How have flows such as membership negotiation and self-structuring influenced institutional positioning?

Case Analysis: A drop in the bucket

Case Analysis Questions

How can we understand the history of The Prep and the meetings described in this case in terms of The Four Flows that constitute organization?

Which flows are highlighted in this description? Which flows have most strongly influenced the change that has occurred at The Prep?

How have flows such as membership negotiation and self-structuring influenced institutional positioning?

This case describes a number of specific interaction episodes. Can these episodes be understood as conversation in the terminology of the Montreal School?

What texts are drawn on during these conversations? Do different participants draw on different texts? Do other interactants in the conversation accept the authority of the texts that are drawn on?

What are the implications of the bucket drawing in terms of textual agency? Relatedly, how can we understand events in this case using the concept of ventriloquism?

Can we see either the bucket drawing or Owen as a dummy who speaks for others in the organization? If so, whom is being spoken for, and what are the implications of anonymous author in the case of the bucket?