Provide examples of what makes the person difficult to work with such as behavioral responses, types of conflicts, how difficult co-workers respond to conflicts such as competitive styles, avoidance, causes and reasons for resistance, indicators of resistance, and how we can disagree productively.

Collaborating with Difficult Co-Workers

Write a 2-page paper using the 5 references (attached) and TED talk (below) included about how to collaborate with a difficult co-worker.

Provide examples of what makes the person difficult to work with such as behavioral responses, types of conflicts, how difficult co-workers respond to conflicts such as competitive styles, avoidance, causes and reasons for resistance, indicators of resistance, and how we can disagree productively. Relate this as much as you can to the school setting.

Cite the TED talk by Julia Dhar on how to disagree productively and find common ground as another reference. If you need another scholarly reference, feel free to include that one as well. check for plagiarism as the professor will.