Describe your client organization (Uber) paying specific attention to (a) what has been at the heart of its success so far? Is this sufficient going forward in home and global markets? (b) the challenges it faces at home and in global markets (c) the role of leadership and leader style, and (d) the role of organizational culture, organization structure its leaders crafted and how closely tied it is to the firm’s success and how it is related to the challenges the firm is currently facing

1. Describe your client organization (Uber) paying specific attention to (a) what has been at the heart of its success so far? Is this sufficient going forward in home and global markets? (b) the challenges it faces at home and in global markets (c) the role of leadership and leader style, and (d) the role of organizational culture, organization structure its leaders crafted and how closely tied it is to the firm’s success and how it is related to the challenges the firm is currently facing.2. Determine attractiveness and fit of a candidate for the board to approach and explain:a) Underlying rationale for due-diligence, elimination of potential candidates and selection of the candidate firmb) Expected benefits of bringing these two companies together? Potential synergies could be explicit: benefits of new technology, the creation of new strategic capabilities, resources, access to new markets and implicit: triggering organizational transformation. You are encouraged to assess the internal and external obstacles to this potential transformation? c) The cultural, structural, leadership compatibility of your client organization with the possible merger prospects and the selected company. In what way do they match and differ? d) Steps you would advise the board to take to preserve the firm’s organization culture and structure as part of the proposed integration?CompanyUBERPossible ProspectsVolvoTeslaYou will need to gather further information and you must begin to assimilate and analyze it to build a credible report. Use of corporate websites is always a good