Discuss the support and feedback provided to you at the strategic level (e.g. by CEO, top executives), the administrative level (e.g. middle managers) and/or the operational level (e.g. other staff / peers) during your integration into the company and during ongoing activities within your department.

Analyze your positioning within the company’s or your department’s organization. Consider the following: e.g. organization regarding ownership, business strategy, organizational structure, corporate culture and communication channels, relationships with main customers and prospects, competitors, suppliers, and other external stakeholders.
Identify 3 problems or areas for improvement (weaknesses) within the company and relate EACH of them to 2 courses / theories / concepts you studied at your university, by explaining their causes and/or consequences.
Discuss the support and feedback provided to you at the strategic level (e.g. by CEO, top executives), the administrative level (e.g. middle managers) and/or the operational level (e.g. other staff / peers) during your integration into the company and during ongoing activities within your department. Explain the pros and cons, the causes and effects of this support and your reaction to it. In addition, discuss what and how the company/department could improve.