What is the history of the food-Where did it originate, and what cultural groups first cultivated or harvested the food?

Commodity Chain Analysis

Using the references you identified in your bibliography, compose a 750-word commodity chain analysis for the food you selected. This portion of the assignment is worth 100 points and is due on Wednesday, June 8th. Your analysis should respond to the following questions:

What is the history of the food? Where did it originate, and what cultural groups first cultivated or harvested the food?

Where in the world is the food commonly produced now?

How is it produced, and who produces the food (i.e. small-scale farmers? Large corporations? Some combination?)? Think here about the labor that goes into producing and processing this food.

Where is the food commonly consumed now, and by whom (i.e. is it an expensive food that only people of a certain class consume? Is it consumed predominantly by a particular ethnic group? Is the food gendered in any particular way?)?
How does the food get from the producers to the consumers?