Analyze peasant life in sixteenth-century France. What were the general physical and economic circumstances of these people?

Using ​only ​Natalie Zemon Davis, ​The Return of Martin Guerre ​(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1984) and information from class discussions, write a cogent essay on ​the following prompt.
PROMPT 1:​ Analyze peasant life in sixteenth-century France. What were the general physical and economic circumstances of these people? How linguistically and ethnically diverse was the population? What sorts of gender relations defined village life? What sorts of social relations defined village life? How important was religion and belief in the supernatural to these communities?

1. Your essay should be between three and four pages in length, double-spaced, and printed in standard 12 point type – Times New Roman or Courier — with 1 inch margins.
2. Citation: As you are dealing with a single text, parenthetical citation is sufficient. You will want to cite page numbers when you quote directly, and when you areparaphrasing the author’s most significant points. This allows the reader access to thematerial you find important.
3. Please staple your papers. A cover page is not required, but please include your name at the top of the essay.
4. Avoid personal pronouns, such as I, we, and you.
5. Write with an active voice.

DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. In its extreme form, plagiarism amounts to taking someone else’swork and passing it off as your own. In this day of cut and paste it is easy to do, but it is neither ethical nor acceptable. If you are caught plagiarizing on this assignment, you will fail the entire class and be directed to the appropriate officials for further disciplinary actions.

HISTORY 171 – ​Prompt 1​ Writing Assignment Rubric
Author makes clear thesis statement and essay supports this thesis. (10 points possible)
Author considers all parts of the prompt. (60 points possible)
— physical and economic circumstances –linguistically and ethnic diversity — gender relations — social relations
— religion and supernatural
Author cites material when appropriate. (10 points possible)

Prose: Essay is well written and well punctuated. Author demonstrates evidence of proof reading. (20 points possible)
Extra Credit: Submit draft and discuss edited draft with Dr. Dre during office hours. OR use Writing Center (5 points)
HISTORY 171 – ​Prompt 2​ Writing Assignment Rubric
Author makes clear thesis statement and essay supports this thesis. (10 points possible)
Author considers all parts of the prompt. (60 points possible)
— access to the legal system — people who officiated
— power

— intellectual bases of this system? — religion and supernatural
Author cites material when appropriate. (10 points possible)
Prose: Essay is well written and well punctuated. Author demonstrates evidence of proof reading. (20 points possible)