Explain the role of the Nurse Leader and/or how this particular issue pertains to your practice-Then identify ways in which this affects your community.

Legislative Letter


Share how long you have lived in their district. Use this introduction to find common ground with your representative. Did you grow up with any similarities? Do you have mutual interests?

Can you acknowledge their support of a similar cause in the past? Can you relate this bill to their profession as a teacher, business person, or even as a parent?

Use a sentence or two to show you’ve done your homework and you know their background and their work.

Use the second paragraph to select one or two talking points to make your point regarding nursing practice.

Explain the role of the Nurse Leader and/or how this particular issue pertains to your practice. Then identify ways in which this affects your community.

In the final paragraph, conclude with a question such as “Are you willing to commit the state’s financial resources for (state) nurses?” or “Are you willing to advocate for allocation of federal funds to support nurses in (state?” or “Can your constituents count on you to support (bill number)?The question format will open the door for continued communication.