Briefly describe the religion in question before describing your experience.


This report should be 4-6 pages in length (typed, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font or equivalent). This report should very briefly describe the religion in question before describing your experience. It should include the major features mentioned above, but also mention passages in the textbook that present or explain these observations about the other religion.
To summarize:

Your paper should contain the following elements:

1. An introduction identifying the encounter. This provides a context for the essay. Identify your interviewee, his or her religion, the time and place of the interview, and any other relevant details to help us understand the context of the interview.
2. A brief summary describing the religion you encountered, quoting the textbook as necessary. Avoid using internet sources, though it is acceptable to sparingly quote from an official source affiliated with the religion, provided you cite it clearly.
3. Organize your essay around four main features that you learned from this interview. For each feature, describe what you observe or learned. Correlate this with what you have read (see the example above). You can describe more than four features, of course, but at least four should be clearly defined in some detail.
4. Conclude the essay with some thoughts or observations you may have about your experience.
5. References for citations made. This may be just the textbook, but be sure to cite any other sources used.