What is your worldview, and how does it influence the way you make sense of your world, the people in it, and the interactions you have with others?

Theories & Techniques of Group Counseling

Answer the following questions in 1st page.
In the 2nd Page reply to two works by classmates ( will be attached separately as well).

1. After reading Chapter 4: Theories & Techniques of Group Counseling describe what would be your primary theory, and what are your reasons for selecting it? What aspects from other models would you want to incorporate into your approach as a group counselor?

2. What are the advantages of practicing within a single theoretical perspective? What are some disadvantages? Do you see value in developing an integrative stance that draws on concepts and techniques from diverse theoretical perspectives? What are the potential difficulties when integrating elements from different theoretical models?

3. Discuss some aspects of your personal approach to counseling practice.Answer the following in your response:

a. What is your worldview, and how does it influence the way you make sense of your world, the people in it, and the interactions you have with others?

b. In what ways are you willing to modify your approach to better serve diverse populations?c. What are the roles of the group member and the group counselor from your perspective?

d. How do you decide what techniques to use in a group?