What is special about the “Higher” Pleasures in comparison to the “Lower” description of Pleasures? How does Mill distinguish between the two-Give examples of both kinds


(1) While Rule utilitarianism may look a lot like Kantianism, there are important differences between them. What are they, i.e., how does Kant deviate from The Golden Rule touted by Mill to be the main directive for moral conduct?

(2) What is the “Principle of Utility” or what Mill calls “The Greatest happiness Principle” Explain. What is meant by the Utilitarian credo “The Greatest good for the greatest number?”

(3) How does Mill defend Utilitarianism against charges that it is “Animalistic,”“Selfish” and Hedonistic? Give specific reasons. Why can’t it be selfish in light of the Principle of Utility?

(4) What is special about the “Higher” Pleasures in comparison to the “Lower” description of Pleasures? How does Mill distinguish between the two? Give examples of both kinds.

(5) Why, according to Mill is it “better to be Socrates dissatisfied rather than a pig satisfied?” What is he suggesting about the difference a between person v Pig?

(6) Why would Mill oppose the idea of a family of six adopting a slave to serve them even though it might make 6 people really happy and only one person really miserable?

(7) What is the difference between “Rule” and “Act” utilitarianism? What makes Mill a “Rule” as opposed to J.J. smart (packet) who is a self proclaimed, “Act”Utilitarian?

(8) Though both types of Utilitarianism ultimately appeal to the “Principle of utility,” their responses to moral dilemmas may differ. How come? Why does Smart disagree with Mill?

(9) What does Smart mean that studying “mathematics” is ultimately more “Fecund” than playing pushpin” or basketball? Carefully explain. Do you think he is right? Why or why not?

(10) What are some of the problems that Williams’ identifies with Utilitarianism generally? How does he use the concept of “Integrity” in arguing against such theories? What does he mean by having “Deeply held projects?” Why is he so against Utilitarianism?

(11) In the Pedro example, why would Williams refuse to kill the one person to save the rest? Likewise, why would he not take the Chemistry job or at least claim is certainly not obvious why that would be the right thing to do? What reasons does he offer?

(12) If Mill were to find a rich doctor’s wallet in the street {with $$$, credit cards,Driver’s License, etc.} would he return it why or why not? According to Rule Utilitarianism, would the choice be different if the wallet’s owner was a “Welfare”recipient why or why not? What would J.J. Smart do and in either case? Would he agree with Mill’s decisions why or why not? Give reasons.

Why would Mill’s Rule Utilitarianism require that he give the wallet back whether the wallet’s owner is a “Welfare Mother” or “Rich Doctor?” Explain.

(13) What makes The Trolley Problem a prime example of a Utilitarian moral dilemma? How do you think a Rule Utilitarian like Mill would respond to the situation presented on the videos? Would an Act Utilitarian such as Smart do something different? Why or why not? Explain