How many church meetings have you presided over as a preacher

Prior Learning Assessment Assignments

Preparing your PLA essay portfolio is a simple process:

A. Just write 10 essays for your Doctorate Program.
Use the list below as a source to jog your memory in writing about your experiences.

B. Most of your essays can be confined to just 1-page. However, One of the essays is to be a 2-3 page essay on a book selected by you, specific to your major, you can locate the book for free on or provide your own book.

List all employment positions, job title, date and place of employment

List all schools that you have attended and dates of graduation.

List all diplomas you have been awarded.

List all advanced degrees that you have been awarded

List all certifications that you have earned

List all seminars or non-school classes that you have attended

List any special training that you have attended

List any on the job trainings and dates of fulfillment

List public speaking events

How many church meetings have you presided over as a preacher

How many church meetings have you served in as a teacher

Have you served as a department head at work or at church

List military training and experience

List all awards and commendations not already mentioned

List your special skills or areas of personal accomplishment

List your hobbies, sports, passions