Where does the information on the site come from? How is the content selected-The Nutritional therapist carefully selects the contents.

Nutrition wellness website


Who is in charge of the Web site? Janie McGruther, a nutritional therapist.

Why are they providing the site? First, the site offers nutritional advice to its users. It educates and empowers its lively community of chefs, providing them with the resources they need to make informed decisions concerning the issues that matter most: food, wellness, and family.
Can you contact them?

By emailing them through support@nourishedkitchen.com


Where does the money to support the site come from? Advertisements
Does the site have advertisements? Are they labeled? Yes


Where does the information on the site come from? How is the content selected? The Nutritional therapist carefully selects the contents.
Do experts review the information that goes on the site? Yes ( Expand and provide the details. It is not enough to answer yes or no
Does the site avoid unbelievable or emotional claims? No
Is it up-to-date? Yes


Does the site ask for your personal information? Yes
Do they tell you how it will be used? Yes
Are you comfortable with how it will be used? Yes

Find reliable health information on MedlinePlus.gov, the National Institutes of Health’s site for patients, their families and friends.