Describe and compare dynamic macroeconomic and financial models by using appropriate econometric, machine learning and computational methods, to provide economic policy and financial guidance.

Upon successful completion of FHEQ Level 6 of BSc Economics, Finance, and Data Science programme students will:

Have developed knowledge in a number of specialised areas in microeconomics and be able to
synthesise and evaluate research literature in these areas, proficiently analyse microeconomic issues using advanced analytical methods and creatively formulate and address research questions pertaining to these areas.

Demonstrate the ability to use state-of-the-art econometrics and data science methods to address
applied problems in economics and finance. This arsenal of methods may encompass panel data (static and dynamic models), fixed and random effects models, the estimation of local average and marginal treatment effects using instrumental variables, GMM, textual analysis and big data.

Define, describe and compare dynamic macroeconomic and financial models by using appropriate econometric, machine learning and computational methods, to provide economic policy and financial guidance. Apply financial economics to selected topics, such as: asset management, derivatives, risk management, banking and financial intermediation, corporate governance, and dynamic asset pricing.

Justify, interpret and communicate insights from the evaluation of real-world problems in finance and economics. Transfer the analytical skills developed in the context of economics to other settings.

Develop system thinking and apply empathy to define solutions via leadership, ethics, awareness,
diversity and societal impact (LEADS).