What information do you have and what information might you still need to solve this problem?

Solving Real World Problems

Scenario Choice 1: (enter your chosen scenario here)
Answer the questions below to explain how you would apply arithmetic or algebra to solve this problem. You can assume/infer anything you need to apply the scenario to your life (for example: how many times you would go to the gym each week if you chose that scenario). Enter your answer below each prompt:
What information do you have and what information might you still need to solve this problem?

What steps would you take to solve this problem? What formulas will you use? (if applicable)

Explain how you would calculate the result. You can infer and add any additional details you feel you might need to create the calculation.

Explain your result in the context of your original situation/problem. (e.g., based on my calculations,).

Scenario Choice 2: (enter your chosen scenario here)

Answer the questions below to explain how you would apply arithmetic or algebra to solve this problem. You can assume/infer anything you need to apply the scenario to your life (for example: how many times you’d go to the gym each week if you chose that scenario). Enter your answer below each prompt:
What information do you have and what information might you still need to solve this problem?

What steps would you take to solve this problem? What formulas will you use? (if applicable)

Explain how you would calculate the result. You can infer and add any additional details you feel you might need to create the calculation.
Type your response here:
Explain your result in the context of your original situation/problem. (e.g., based on my calculations, ).

When you have answered all parts of the assignment, save the template with your completed responses as a Word document titled: Your Name_ MAT110_Week_7_Assignment. Make note of the folder you save your file in and submit it in Blackboard in Week 7.