What hormone plays a role in RBC production? What organ produces this hormone? -Erythropoietin- stimulates erythrocyte production, produce by kidneys

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ii. intrinsic- response to infection iii. exercise induced- bronchospasm following exercise b. mycobacterium tuberculosis- cough w/ hematemesis, night sweats, airborne precautions, negative pressure rooms c. COPD- lose ability to move air from the lungs due to the loss of lung elasticity, develop barrel chest, finger clubbing,

41:1 diameter of chest, d. ARDS- acute respiratory distress syndrome- damage to alveoli and lungs begin to fill with fluid (pulmonary edema)- SOB, hypoxemia, CO2 accumulates (hypercapnia), acidosis e. Pneumonia- fluid in lungs consolidates and its difficult to move consolidations out of lungs,

42. What are signs of ARDS? a. pulmonary edema, low levels of oxygen, high levels of carbon dioxide, acidosis

43. What is a tension pneumothorax, how is it treated?

a. accumulation of air in the pleural spaces of the thorax and puts pressure on the heart, caused by puncture wounds, stab wound, GSW,

b. treated with chest tube

44. What is Virchow’s Triade? How do these factors increase a patient’s risk for developing a pulmonary embolus?

a. factors that increase the risk of developing DVT or PE

i. sluggish blood flow or venous stasis

ii. hypercoagulability iii. damage to vein

45. What are different causes/types of emboli? a. air, fat, amniotic fluids with debris, foreign bodies, tumor, parasites,

46. What are causes of anemia? Complications of anemia? Goal in treatment?

a. trauma, hemolytics, shape of cells, low iron,

b. kidney failure, fatigue, hypoxemia, reduced metabolic activity, delayed wound healing c. Treatment-, increase oxygen carrying capacity, blood transfusion, stem cell transplant.

47. Review the following conditions of the blood including causes: polycythemia, thrombocytopenia, disseminating intravascular coagulation (DIC). How do we treat DIC?

a. polycythemia- excessive production of erythrocytes

b. thrombocytopenia- low platelet count

c. disseminating intravascular coagulation- clotting and bleeding at the same time. give blood transfusion and clotting factors, heparin to break clots.

48. What hormone plays a role in RBC production? What organ produces this hormone? a. Erythropoietin- stimulates erythrocyte production, produce by kidneys

49. Review the difference between Hodgkin’s vs Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. How are these cancers diagnosed? a. Hodgkin- presence of Reed-Sternberg cells in a blood smear b. Non-Hodgkins- does not have Reed-Sternberg cells

50. Review modifiable versus nonmodifiable risk factors for hypertension. How is hypertension managed/treated? What medications are often prescribed to manage HTN? What are complications of hypertension if left unmanaged?

a. Modifiable factors- can be changed (diet, exercise level, smoking, alcohol)

b. Non-modifiable- age, genetics, family hx,

c. Treatment- reduce salt intake, reduce fat intake, increase exercise, medications

d. complications- stroke, kidney failure, heart failure, aneurysm, and vision

51. Review the steps of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in managing blood pressure. a. renin- produced by kidneys, which triggers the production of angiotensin

I. b. angiotensin I is converted to angiotensin

II by angiotensin converting enzyme c. angiotensin II is a vasoconstrictor that increases BP by increasing peripheral resistance

52. What is coronary artery disease?