Can they open their eyes spontaneously, name, DOB, where they are, are they confused, are they mumbling words? Motor response- Can they move their arms and legs-Push and use fingers.

Online final exam

28.What are signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia versus hypoglycemia. What are the three Ps? Hyperglycemia- increased glucose. Polyuria- excessive urination. Polydipsia- excessive thirst. Polyphagia- excessive hunger. Hypoglycemia- cold, pallor, fatigue, hungry, low blood sugar, sweaty, more fatal than hyperglycemia.

29.Review the difference between primary and secondary brain injury Primary brain injury – occurs as a direct result of the initial insult. Example — Stroke, concussion. Secondary injury – refers to progressive damage resulting from the body’s physiologic response to the initial insult. Example — brain swelling secondary to stroke

30.Review causes of intracranial pressure; how does it lead to impaired neurological function? Increased Intracranial Pressure (ICP) leads to impaired neurological functions due to:

► Compression of brain tissue due to swelling of the brain

► Inability of the cranium to expand in adults bones of skull fused in adulthood

► Reduced blood flow to the brain from increased pressure

31.What are signs of increased ICP? Headache, vomiting, and altered level of consciousness (drowsiness), Blurry vision, Pupil responsiveness to light becomes impaired, Altered respiratory patterns and unresponsive to stimulation, Patient may become unable to move, verbalize, or open the eyes

32.Review the Glasgow coma scale, what is it used to assess? How we measure patients’ level of consciousness related to brain trauma. Can they open their eyes spontaneously, name, DOB, where they are, are they confused, are they mumbling words? Motor response- Can they move their arms and legs? Push and use fingers. Score and add them.

33.Review the different types of stroke: ischemic versus hemorrhagic. How is a stroke diagnosed? Ischemic- blockage in blood vessels within the brain. Prevents blood flow to the tissues down stream of the blockage. Clot busters for management. Hemorrhagic- bleeding, management is different. CT scan to check which kind of stroke it is.

34. Review the difference between meningitis versus encephalitis Meningitis- inflammation of the meninges (tissue surrounding the brain and spinal cord). Can be due to bacterial, virus or fungal Encephalitis- inflammation of the actual brain.